Anatomical Drawing with the Nude Form
Classes and Workshops will be posted in the near Future.

A weekly, three-hour, structured course in life drawing and anatomy. Students will learn the human figure’s infrastructure using a life-size skeleton and a live model. Several classical methods will be covered to build the student’s confidence in drawing the human figure anatomically correctly and in proportion.
Proportion exercises and varied techniques will help students capture the subtle nuances necessary to create volume and dimension within the human form. Students will learn how to use diverse drawing materials such as charcoals, conté pencils, and pastel tonal sticks. Watercolor dyes and inks will introduce the use of the brush to transition the student into painting.
Students will experience the enjoyable and fulfilling process of creating beautiful and unique works of art, and expect to complete several drawings each week. All artistic and ability levels are welcome. Individual artists will be instructed at their stage of experience.
Students will supply their own materials. See supply list.
Note: A cash-only model fee for all four class sessions will be collected on the first day of the first class.
There will be new models each week.
Tuition for this course:
Guild Members $195
Non-Members $225
Painting the Human Form
Classes and Workshops will be posted in the near Future.

A weekly, three-hour class designed to teach the anatomy of the human form, strengthen anatomical drawing skills, and demonstrate how light wraps around the human figure of a live model. Students will learn the foundational importance of studying monochromatic values in transitioning to color tones, color harmony, and color mixing.
This class will be fun and fulfilling as students create beautiful and unique works of art that represent their individuality. Students will develop their observation skills by careful study of the dimensions of the human form and figure.
Each week, students will create a beautiful and unique work of art that represents their individuality. Students will rotate positions in the classroom each week to capture various perspectives of the model. All artistic levels and skill sets are welcomed into this course as each artist will be instructed at their level of experience. Models will sit for two consecutive weeks.
Students will supply their own materials.Minimum size of canvas, paper, or board 20”x16”Gina will be instructing in several mediums, oils, pastels, acrylics, and inks
Students are to bring all materials for the medium they choose.
Note: A cash-only model fee for all four class sessions will be collected on the first day of the first class.
There will be a new model every two weeks.
Tuition for this course:
Guild Members $195
Non-Members $225